Thursday, September 23, 2010

To Win or Not to Win, that is the Question

Argentina recently beat Spain four goals to one in what seemed to be one of the most exciting international friendlies of the world. But, when burning in flames due to what felt like an exalting victory, I believe we should better meditate and, therefore, provide some analysis in regards to how the team really played and, additionally, infer how true winners should be taught.
First, it is usually quite despicable not to congratulate the victor, for, in most part, his efforts have proved to be efficiently consolidating of a particular trait or, in this instance, aptitude.  But let it be said that on each side – both the winner’s and the loser’s -- there are underlying mistakes which linger until the proper analysis is made. Even though it is the victor’s self-adapted responsibility to write history as it was conceived, it is also his responsibility, or theirs, depending on the numerical magnitude within the involved company, to take a rather introspective standpoint in order to further the improvement of his particular enterprise. 
Now, what should remain clear at all times is that winning should never be used as an indicative tool to measure improvement or, in this case, doctrinal success. Winning is never the means to an end, but rather, the end to an immaculate mean.  Though it is remarkably futile to stipulate that winning is an irrelevant component on any competitive realm, it is also ill-informed to predicate that winning is the key of any healthy endeavor. I should, then, in order to facilitate the digestion of this piece, provide you with far more precise elements so that the paradigm becomes less virtual and perhaps more real.
            Let us ignore that this is a sport we are debating about. Many socially relevant conclusions can be drawn from this pending paradigm. For instance, if a certain group is initially instilled with a philosophy which demands for them to exclusively mend a particular mission, then that group itself will not stop until such mission is obviously completed.  Now, if the method preached to accomplish the aforementioned is somewhat ill conceived or even inexistent, then the group will become desperate and it will mend its mission by taking any means necessary, therefore, the group will not compete nor truly participate but rather survive.
Hereon, I suppose we all understand that by surviving I mean that this particular party has adopted a perhaps somewhat inefficient methodology. See, it is not a matter of teaching how to win but rather a matter of teaching how important an idea is. In other words, let us not appeal to winning or losing for that is not teaching at all, instead, let all of us understand what the game is truly about. Let us therefore unite efforts in order to fully engage any endeavor as a league that understands the impervious nature of an excellent idea. Though this is simply a sport, I believe we should all attempt not to just do things in order to satisfy the initial need but rather we should aim to do things exceedingly well. True winners are taught by the latter. 

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